Wayne's Audio Turntable Periphery Stabilizing Outer Ring

Anyone have any reason to NOT give this a try (besides the price)? Or anyone recommend an alternative? I have great weights/clamps/mats but definitely own a few thousand less-than-absolutely-flat records, and feel like it’s a shame to be missing contact.


@lewm The records I'm thinking of are not that warped, I have loads of reggae and dub for example that I've bought over the years from Jamaica, and some of them they're just slightly cupped, some more than others, but still easily playable. I'm definitely not binning them as @clearthinker suggests! Wayne does have a Technics version, checking if suitable for SP10, was thinking to give it a try on the MK3 and MK2, as far as I can tell the platters are the same dims. I'm not worried about the inertia.

@au_lait      Can easily see how your Jamaican records got too much sun.

I said bin warped records you can't play.  Warping is a matter of degree.  If they are 'NOT THAT WARPED' then quit complaining and play them as you suggest - EASILY PLAYABLE.

What are you worrying about??

Anyway, my Aeroarm plays severely warped records no other arm will play.  How?  Because is is 1/4 of the effective length of a typical 9 inch arm and about 1/5 of the mass.  There is always an answer for those who seek.

I’m a huge fan of the TTW periphery rings.  I find it makes LP’s sound better, with lower distortion.  Never tried Wayne’s, but is his a clone of the TTW?  

I own and use a Wayne's Audio periphery ring and love it. It is the one for a Technics SL-1210GAE. I have been using it 3-4 years now with no regrets or accidents. You get quite used to setting it properly on the LP and centering by eye. Highly recommended. Dana