Kirmuss Cleaning System Discuss?

Looking at the Kirmuss system and their process is explained in detail and the concepts are a bit more detailed than other discussions. 

Yeah the presenter in a lab coat brings back memories of Matthew Polk. But aside from that the process appears to have merits.


Any thoughts or observations?


@tannoytim  funniest post of the day who cleans LP's  in the same room  or while listening?

Simple simon. . 

It can be used without the extra treatment. 5min cleans 3 records and removes most of the dirt. Very few of my records needed more then 2 5 mins cleanings.

yes, drying off is manual…

The whole surfactant story seems half marketing half truth. I have not seen the white residue on many records so I considered the spray optional.


@tom2015 Well the reality is every company needs a story to separate itself from their competitors. We can say the product sells itself, but that really isn't the truth. 

You want to spend the rest of your life cleaning records? This is the silliest system on the market. 

Rules of the road. A machine must use fresh fluid with each cleaning. There is more than particulate matter in the environment. There is all sorts of stuff in the air and on the record that gets dissolved in the fluid. Filters will not remove it. If you then fan or air dry the record you evaporate the water and leave everything else on the record. like paint. The record must be vacuum dried. It is the only way to remove almost everything from the record. As far as ultrasonic cleaning vs agitation with a microfiber brush goes, I would bet there is no difference at all. IMHO the best machines on the market are the Clearaudios and the Nessie. The Clearaudio Double Matrix is the only machine that meets all these requirements and does both sides at the same time with a cleaning cycle of 3 minutes. It is expensive but worth every cent.