CJ's New ART88 Preamp

Has anyone had the opportunity to hear Conrad Johnson’s new ART 88 preamp? If you have heard it what do you think about the sound?



The first thing I heard on mine in the first 20 hours was the separation of instruments with each note seemingly hanging in space. I had broken in a GatS2 before that and this was different. 

It stayed like that pretty much till around the 200 hour mark when the sound filled out and became more dynamic. (I'm using a CJ ART150 stereo amp)

Would like to hear what you experience.   

I swapped the amp just weeks ago, trading my ART150 for the 27A, but had fully adjusted to the amp change using my GAT2 before deciding to order the ART 88.  But it is a lot of change in a relatively short few weeks.  I'll report back after break-in.  These things do need sufficient time for the caps to fully form.  This is my third:  ET5, GAT2 and now ART 88. 

Please consider this an early impressions report.  I might write again after more listening time.  First let me explain that I retired at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic with the result that my time with my GAT2 was quite extensive, definitely the most listening in my audiophile life which began in the mid-1960s.  I found the GAT2 very easy to listen to for long periods of time because it was very neutral, had no bad habits such as grain or noise and it had excellent delineation of detail without any discernable artiface.  The ART 88, adds considerably to these virtues, which is surprising to me.  First and most striking is that it displays a far greater sense of excitement.  There is just more impact imparted to each and every part of the entire audio spectrum.  Greater depth, starting in the lows, but really across the board.  Every note just seems to standout in relief.  The depth and feel, the richness of the sound is noticeable on every type of music:  Piano, strings, percussion, perhaps most of all on vocals.  I can't say the sound stage is wider or deeper, but it seems like each performer stands out in greater relief somehow.  I remember years ago shopping for pianos and hearing a profoundly good Model D Steinway and it just shook me up.  Goose bumps it sounded so good.  This ART 88 is like that.   The wow factor is off the charts.  To say I am delighted with my new ART 88 is an understatement.

Thanks billstevenson for your early impressions.   Exciting sounding preamp.  Longtime CJ preamp owner, currently using an ET5 but intrigued by the ART 88.

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