If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers

To listen to at the upcoming Axpona, in the 10 - 20k range driven by a great solid state amp which ones would you search for? Yes understand listening conditions and room setups can make or break a system but just trying to narrow some choices. Thank you.


@arafiq I recently read a post by someone (can’t remember who) who recently upgraded from the Perspectives to Pearls, and from what he said there were more similarities than differences and the biggest differences were that the Pearls could play louder and obviously go a bit deeper.  If I was you and in your room I’d be very torn between upgrading to Pearls or adding two good subs to your excellent Perspectives, which would probably greatly close the gap, maybe provide even better bass better integrated to your room, and be much less expensive.  Either way, it’s a high-quality problem.  FWIW. 

@bjesien which Fyne Speakers do you own? What are their sound characteristics? I’m looking at the F1–5 & F1-8.  

Don’t mean to hijack the thread here.

@soix I think I remember reading the same account on another thread on agon. I was actually using a pair of REL S/510 subs with the Joseph Audio, but ever since I got the Aavik U-280 I felt the subs were redundant. The combo of JA and Aavik is superb. Something tells me that the Perspective2s are just perfect for my room size. I guess I should be grateful and enjoy the ride instead of thinking about the P2s bigger brother. High-quality problem it sure is!

Joseph Audio Perspective 

Wilson SabrinaX

Marten Oscar Trio 

Focal Sopra 2 

Vandersteen Quattro CT