Integrated Amp Shopping Decisions

Looking to replace my 1987 NAD 1240 preamp and Adcom 535ll. They have served me well for years but are now both very long in the tooth and probably time for caps but not interested in investing as it would be a poor investment to update them. So I am looking to go integrated. Have a Technics 1210GR and Music Hall 7 so vinyl is a given. Also need USB for my Dead flac files.  So my needs are decent MM phone preamp, USB and can run either RCA or coax out from my Rotel Tribute CD.   Don't really need Bluetooth. Preferable to have tone controls. I am looking at a new speaker purchase which may likely be Wharfedale Lintons or Evos.  Price point around $1800 max.

So, I have a list of possibles.  Cambridge CXA81 but no tone controls or phonestage so not sure about this one, Parasound HINT6 preowned puts me $1800 (Its got the phono and DAC, ) Bel Canto C5i gives me phono and DAC (if I can find preowned) Rogue Sphinx (plus add Schitt Mani DAC) Musical Fidelity M5si (preowned), Yamaha S801 gets good reviews but lower price scares me.  Any contenders I am missing?  Thoughts?


I appreciate all the great responses. Actually considering the Denon 1600NE as it has what I need. The Belles sounds interesting but I as a former self employed business owner, I can't for the life of me understand why the maker doesn't even bother to show any photos except for front of unit nor any specs etc.  Is there no pride here? Very little on the web about a product that's been around quite awhile. Something doesn't seem right. Just on that fat I have a hard time even considering it.

Honestly, you might be better off getting the Parasound NewClassic 200 integrated instead.  Its price new is <50% of the Hint 6, and has a very similar feature set.  Put the $ saved into your speakers and you'll likely come out ahead in SQ.

Belles Aria is excellent and a step above a number of the amps you mention like the Rogue. Dave Belles has been around for years and is an engineer first and businessman second. His stuff is first rate in engineering and parts and build quality. Rogue is American made but the Class D amp in the Sphinx has to be carefully matched with speakers as it can sound bright. Hint is a good product but priced beyond your budget unless you buy used. I personally would choose my speakers first then look for an amp that has synergy with them. I would try to hear the combination if I could in a store. OUtlaw Audio is a direct marketer which sells a very good receiver which has been around in some form for at least 10 years and is made to their specs in a very good quality format. It has been highly rated by numerous reviewers. I have a friend who bought one as a backup to his NAD integrated and ended up using it as his primary with both Rogers and Dynaco speakers. I was surprised how good it sounded for about $1200. But the Aria is above all these. I believe there is a deaer in FL too. Also, dont scoff at the Marantz options if you could find a PM8006 used you would have a winner...Class AB, tone and balance, direct thru if you want short path, made in Japan, many positive reviews of the variants from 8004. 8005 on. Sells for about $1500 new if you can find one. The 700 is based off this amp. I have one of the 8005 in a second system and it is very nice.