What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?

I am typing up a document with all details of my system components and cables with approximate values.  No one else in the family knows anything about high end audio.  I suggested they sell the gear at US Audiomart.  What should I suggest they do with the vinyl and digital discs in my reasonably large collection?  I want them to get to others who can enjoy them when I no longer can. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Well i sold off 900 albums 60,70,80,Rock n Pop all in very good plus to neve played i was offered 50 cents an album .After a negotiations i got 1,500 for the lot.His worker asked me if he could buy some of my album's for 5 bucks a piece ,i should of know...that was 9 years ago.The albums i sold go for like 25 to 30 bucks at least now....LOL....since then i got into albums again and have over 1,000 all in mint or vg plus....bought lots from other guys looking to sell out .Bought a lot of mint 70,80s Rock 300 albums for $150 .She said there were my Dads help yourself....lol...CDs are not DEAD...and they sell....i buy lots ,go to the thrifts and get them for under 2 bucks each....good music i only buy un scratched disc's. 

Decluttr.com for the CDs. That's how I sold mine when I went to streaming. Quick and easy.

I think in general, people who have been heirs will tell you they don't want to be burdened with someone else's hobby. They don't care about it. They just want to get rid of it quickly. To you it might mean something, but to them it's just a bunch of obsolete plastic.

I’m with 8th Note—avoid dying, better not to trouble the heirs.


There are a lot of threads on this topic in these Forums lately.  I just hit 65, suspect that might be on the younger side here, but I have many medical issues so I should also make this a priority.  But Damn!  They keep releasing huge CD box collections at fire sale prices.  And I just bought a Direct Drive turntable that I had coveted for decades and there about ten used lp stores within a 5 mile radius.  The physical stuff just keeps coming, even though I am not opposed to streaming.


  I need my mother to recover from her dementia and come over and harangue me about collecting all this stuff.  My wife is just to nice