Thanks to Paul McGowan

About a year ago I bought a PS Audio BHK pre-amp  & was very pleased with the improvement in sound quality over the Rotel I had been using. I put in a pair of 60s era Telefunken tubes & thought it sounded great so I went shopping. Recently  I found a pair of PS Audio M1200 mono blocks & thought what the heck. I got them home & installed NOS 1958 Telefunken.tubes.
I should mention the amp I had in the system was a highly modified Carver TFM 45 I bought in the 80s.
What a difference! Have you ever had that OMG moment when you get to hear your music for the first time. I should have ditched the Carver yrs ago.
My hat's off to Paul McGowan!


Inspite of that experience? Iam still gonna Buy Paul’s product if my system will benefited from it. Like I said I still have his ps300 power conditioner.And I really like it ,Maybe He is tired that day, I remember that’s about maybe 3 pm.

Exactly why I wish we had a block user feature. Someone just admitted to being a troll. @administrator needs to drop the ban hammer.