where and how to find blank "music" CD's

I recently came into possession of a TEAC LPR 400 turntable that can copy vinyl to CD. The problem is that apparently, I need RIAA (recording industry of America) approved music CD's and not the data CD's that are more common. The music CD's have a flag embedded in them that the manufacturer paid royalties to RIAA for lost revenue. Does anyone know where to get them, and/or how to tell the difference between the two if you are on ebay or similar site? 


Yes I have been ripping and burning music CDs for car listening for many years.  I have bought them from Office Depot or mail order from Amazon and others, back from the days of iTunes.

They used to be labeled "Digital Audio" CDR, then later "Music Only" CDR (or something like that).



Yes Amazon has everything at your fingertips as it takes over the world of commerce.