How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?

Maybe this topic is more of recommendation and sharing ideas than a question. We invested in our hifi systems for years to get to a place where we appreciate what our systems sound. Now, how do you find time to enjoy listening to music if many of us work long hours and still need to take care of family, errands etc…I don’t remember when was the last time I spent more than 2 hours a week at the most to enjoy the system I spent $$$ to build. How do you find time to enjoy your system?


When I was still working my listening was usually done during dinner, or on Sunday afternoon. Now that I'm retired, I try to find a couple of hours in the early evening and sometimes during the dinner hour. My wife is tolerant of my listening habit and doesn't seem to mind. I would say that I listen about 20 hours/week on average. 

I undestand your problem. Many years ago, I used to do post production and listened to music 12 hours a day.

I must confess that I listen to more music in the car than I do on my seven or eight different hi-end systems.

Wish I could find unlimited time, but alas, life. It would be great to make a living at it, but I use my precious hours to unwind after work. Somedays just the music. Hard days with Bourbon.

Like several here, I'm semi-retired and on average listen to the main system 3 - 4 hours daily. Primarily vinyl with an occasional CD if I'm feeling lazy and don't feel like doing the record ritual. Most of my listening is in the evening in the mancave. TV on, volume down, with a sporting event (NCAA bball currently) on.

This has been a lifelong habit (passion) that I believe is therapeutic, helping me keep my sanity and stay mentally and emotionally stable with the many things that life seems to throw at us. Having invested significant dollars in equipment, upgrading and media over 50+years of collecting, I feel it would be a crime not to find the time to listen.