What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? 


It took quite a while for the Magna Risers Airborne stands for my Maggie MMG’s to be built and shipped to me, and kudos to the company for what was exemplary communication throughout the wait. They care. 

I cannot state that they improved upon anything beyond the aesthetics of the stock Maggie stands, but this is by no means a knock. Those flimsy, Caspar Milquetoast stock stands are an abomination. 

I sold off the REL T5x because I rarely used it. These original model MMG’s won’t do Zeppelin justice, but they more than suffice for the genres of music that I listen to now. From what I’ve been reading about the new model LRS+,  it may be worth my while to place an order soon. Until then these ain’t moving. 


Green Mountain Audio Chromas. I liked them but thought they lacked sparkle. Replaced them with B&W 704 s2's and then bought Legacy Audio Signatures. I listed the Chromas for sale, but no takers. After a few years of owning the Legacies I compared them to the Chromas. The chromas won handily. They were more natural and never fatiguing.  Both the B&W and the Legacies were sold.

OHM A'S and F'S, But in the process of rebuilding a pair of A'S and f's that was given to me for freeeee!!!


I had a pair of Time Windows back in the early 80s, bought from a friend who has been my hi-fi mentor for 40 years. I replaced them with Vandersteen 2CEs, which I had for 20 years and then replaced with the newest Vandy 2CE Signature III. (I'm a creature of habit.)

I remember the Time Windows fondly...what inspired you to get another pair?