Jumpers in AC Receptacle?

I was doing some audio housekeeping yesterday, like making a DC cable and installing a new Furutech GTX-D receptacle that has been in a box here for a year or so.  The receptacle replaced a Porter Port in a double-gang box that houses two receptacles, each with its own 20A dedicated line feed.

When I was reconfiguring the wiring on both receptacles, I realized that while the 10 awg wires of each of the 20A lines power one-half of each of the duplex receptacles, power to the other half of each receptacle depends on the internal plated jumpers that connect the two halves of each duplex.  

My question is, do any of you see a benefit to using short jumpers made from 10 awg wire to connect the two halves of each duplex receptacle, instead of relying on the internal jumper metal?  Or, is this a symptom of Audiophilia Nervosa (AN)?  I went ahead and added short 10 awg wire jumpers to each receptacle, which was easy to do, and which now delivers the current to both halves of the duplex directly through a 10 awg copper wire.



Yup, "a large power amplifier" - actually, two of them at 650 wpc each.

The power is provided from dedicated 20A lines carried by 10awg Romex. The power cords to the amplifiers are each 7awg wire.

I just found it interesting when rewiring the duplexes the other day that, while so many audiophiles here claim huge SQ differences from changing the color of a fuse in the power chain, or replacing the metal jumpers on bi-wire speaker connectors with expensive wire jumpers, I have not yet heard anyone question the effect of the plated metal (probably brass) connecting the two halves of a duplex outlet. I considered this since one amplifier is plugged into each half of the duplex outlet and so one amp would have a more "direct" connection to the power line while current to the other would have to travel through the internal jumpers first.


Metals/connectors etc. can also impact sound quality to some extent. Like I've told many people here and in real life, human hearing is incredibly sensitive to pitch, overall tonality, and increases or decreases in levels. Everything matters...


An electrician would likely tell me the outlet will work fine without adding 10 awg wire jumpers.

I suggest you leave it as is, 10awg =+ 5mm, set screw on GTX is for up to 4 mm (12awg) unless you use Furutech’s spades FP-209 attached on a 10awg wire.

This my understanding. Concerning your question about a better quality jumper i would hesitate to change them as the metal ones used are pure copper.