Cary Audio CD 306 SACD player (non Pro version)

I purchased a used Cary CD 306 SACD player about 2 months ago. This is the one that was released right before the CD 306 SACD Pro version. My unit was manufactured in 2006. 
I have been enjoying the sonic quality and musicality of this machine and everything have been going smoothly with few minor quirks every once in a while but nothing major and does not affect playbacks or performance. 

Anyways, I've been playing CD & SACD discs with no issues except for this newly acquired Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here SACD that I recently purchased. My Cary simply wouldn't read this particular SACD disc. It said "no disc" on the front panel display. I took it out of a disc tray and put in other SACD disc and the Cary was able to read and play it just fine. All other SACD & CD discs were played just fine except for this particular Wish You Were Here SACD disc. I found it pretty odd.

Anyone having the same issue or problem with this Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here SACD with either the Cary CD 306 SACD player or any other CD/SACD players? Or does anyone know what seems to be the issue? 
Thanks in advance. 


One note of caution on the Cary 306 PRO. I owned one and it needed repair. Cary could not fix it and the impacted new board had to be shipped from China. It took well over a month and cost me around $1000 many years ago. I doubt these boards are available any longer. Before spending a lot of money upgrading these older players you should take this into account. Power supplies can be bypassed or repaired, but the DAC and other board issues may not be repairable.

@grannyring - everything is repairable, well almost.  Depending on the damage to the board, we have been successful running wires under the circuit boards to connect broken solder traces.  It is work but it can be done.  Bill reach out to me regarding your preamp project if you want.

@dilatante - yes I can do yours.  The two we did were awesome sounding.  I have mine because of doing the first one upgrade.  Replaced the laser and 100 parts.  I will take a look at the parts to see what they cost and get you a quote.



I understand pretty well what can be fixed, but Cary themselves could not even fix the board. They designed the unit and repair their stuff. Certainly reason for caution!

@granyring thanks but my partner Karl has a masters in electronics.  He has repaired components that other so called repair people have given up on.  Since he is a designer and not just a electronics tech person.


But we don't know until we get it in to look at.

My Cary 306 SACD player is working properly so far. I had the laser assembly replaced last year because it failed to read the SACD layer of many of my CD/SACD hybrid discs. But ever since they replaced the laser assembly it's been working flawlessly.