Denon DL-103 retipped with micro ridge stylus on boron cantilever & denuded body

As a card-carrying Denon DL-103 fan, I keep returning to this classic LOMC cartridge. After trying different cartridges, no other cart was capable of giving me that unique fiery sound as the good old DL-103.

However, my friend Robert (owner of the site) recommended I get one of my DL-103 retipped with a more modern stylus. I was very skeptical, because I've tried in the past to purchase retipped DL-103 cartridge (the original conical stylus replaced with the nude elliptical), and it only made the cart sound much worse.

But because I trust Robert's advice, I decided to take the plunge and following Robert's suggestion, I contacted Andy Kim of the needle clinic (

Andy was very prompt, kind, and approachable. He offered me some options and I went with the top of the line mod: micro ridge stylus on boron cantilever & denuded body.

Turnaround time was swift, and pretty soon I had the rejuvenated, retipped and denuded DL-103 in my hands. Couldn't wait to install it and do the listening tests.

The first thing I've noticed upon spinning the first record using the micro ridge stylus was that the mods to the cart did not in any way affect the familiar tonal characteristics of the trusty old DL-103 (previous mods with the nude elliptical did affect the overall character of sound).

Secondly, the sound quality notably improved! There are now so many new details, and the delivery seems more effortless. Any traces of sibilance (which are present with my standard DL-103 carts) have disappeared.

I'm not sure if the dramatic improvements are due to a better stylus, or to a better cantilever, or to the denuded body, or to all three factors combined, but I'd say this mod had propelled my lowly DL-103 into the stratosphere. Such small overall investment for such spectacular improvements!

Andy's retipping services are highly recommended.




It's your fault, this conversation doubles down on how musical you frequently say the Denon Cartridge sounds.

I'll thinking removable headshell, use in my Acos Lustre GST-801 Arm. Which version do you think is right for that arm?

@lewm - Yep - I realized that - it was the main reason for completing that tweak.

I performed the tweak on the standard 103 first and discovered the benefits of matching the compliance of arm and cartridge.

I forget just how much mass was required, but I made the plate to match that criteria.

The Soundsmith mod’s were the icing on the cake.

The cardtridge without the plate sounded very good - but the plate gave the cartridge the exrta "life" it was missing i.e. compared to the standard 103 with the plate

Is it the best cartridge (for the money) on the planet ?

  • the standard 103 with the plate was better than any other cartridge I had tried (from Goldring, Nagoka, Rega)
  • The Soundsmith 103 with the plate is in a totally different league.- amazing!

A friend had a retipped Van den Hul Frog on an Audiomods arm and I it sounded very similar to the Soundsmith 103 + plate, so I’m pretty happy with it’s performance - at a fraction of the price.

Regards - Steve

Andy re-tipped my DL-301-ii and it came back sounding 100X better than before. Real money to most people, but you wind up with something that performs way better than anything you could buy for the same money. 

Just wanted to add to a lot of the great things already said here about Andy's re-tipping.  Just got my DL103 back with the micro ridge stylus on boron cantilever & denuded body and just amazing by the results.  I am loving the results and +1 to the reduced surface noise.  This was a really smart way to get a second life out of a cartridge my daughter broke the cantilever on :)  Will be definitely using Andy again when time.