Integrated amp recommendation

I recently bought a used pair of Swiss-made Piega p4L MKII floor-standing speakers. I am looking for a two-channel integrated amp to pair with them. Budget: $1,000.

Among the stated speaker specs: applied power rating 20-200 watts, sensitivity 89 db, 4 ohms impedance and frequency response 38 Hz-50 kHz. To me, the speakers’ sound can be described as natural, detailed and transparent, not aggressive and maybe slightly lacking in bass. The room is 12 x 20, carpeted but relatively bare. I listen primarily to classic rock, classic jazz and classical. I use a Bluesound Node 2i music streamer and CDs. Bluetooth would be nice but not essential.

Thank you for any assistance.


Brio is great. I actually like the IO more-it’s slightly more even handed than the Brio. 

Another amp I picked up was the Cambridge axa35. This one is also excellent and a steal at the price. 

A few years ago I have listened to a pair of Piega (very) slim floorstanders, the cheapest model I think, sporting a pair of 4 inch midbass drivers per speaker. Driven by a Jadis Orchestra tube integrated, they produced a spectacular (for the price) sound: very detailed and extended, silky smooth highs, mids of similar quality and a surprising amount of bass coming from those tiny drivers. Very musical, if not the last word in neutrality. Now I know that Jadis is way above your budget but in Europe you can find it used for 1500 Euro or less; also, maybe it would be worth investigating other tubed options.

A bit over budget, but $ is strong in Canada now, cad 1500 is $1100. usd. And, you can always make an offer.

Free shipping in Canada,You would need to get seller to ship to you ____ for $____? Or, you pay UPS and seller simply drops it off ’loose’ at nearby UPS pack and ship.

This model includes a MM phono stage AND a 32bit | 384kHz DAC,

(nice ’get started’ options, perhaps you have separates or will try separates later)

as well as switchable for KT88 (my preference) or EL34




cayin description

I have early Cayin AT88, love it!!!

seems best price new is $2K