Sensitivity 86 v 90

I am considering an upgrade from speakers with a sensitivity rating of 90 db, 4 ohms, to larger speakers rated at 86db, 8 ohms nominal.  Same brand, PMC. My tube integrated amp is 80-112 watts triode/ultralinear, and it’s fine for my 90 db speakers.  Although, it is sometimes at around 4 o’clock on the volume control, approaching the max at 6.  I am aware of the “amp power must double for each 3db increase in volume” rule of thumb, but really have no practical experience with this.  I do like having 90 db efficiency, always assumed that meant a less powerful amp would suffice. 

   My question is, would the decreased efficiency be a concern? 


I went from JBL 4319 monitors rated at 92db efficiency, 6ohm nominal, 4.7ohm at lowest point to Atalante 3 monitors rated at 87db efficiency, 6ohm nominal, 4.4 ohm at lowest point and only have to increase volume 1- 1 1/2 db for the same results. Some reviewers are using 15 watt tube amps and getting wonderful results.

Even at the old normal listening level, I’m hearing more than with the older speakers. Just the SPL is lower. Without the cabinet and crossover, the drivers in the Atalante 3 are rated at 91db efficiency on their own. Turning the wick up to get the same scale and impact requires just a db or so to get there and it sounds more convincing in some respects but can sound too loud. Go figure.

I wished I had bookmarked a review where it was explained how efficiency is such a misunderstood measurement since no two speakers rated the same, perform the same and those that vary some will perform the same.

All the best,

@lloydc Wrote:

  I do like having 90 db efficiency, 

I like having 2.7% efficiency and 96 dB sensitivity! 😎


Thanks for the explanations!

My integrated amp (Rogers EHF 200 Mk 2) has 40 db of gain.  The volume control is turned up much less with signal from the dac, than while using the phono preamp, which I presume  means the dac has higher output; but (as I understand it) the gain from the phono preamp can be increased by switching the driver 12AU7 tubes for 12AX7's, if necessary.  Which, maybe I should do anyway, as @Soix and @tomcarr imply.

@lloydc Wrote:

My integrated amp (Rogers EHF 200 Mk 2) has 40 db of gain. 

That is a nice amp, you have plenty of gain. What phono preamp do you have?




After all that was mentioned before I posted, I made the same, dumb mistake of citing efficiency instead of sensitivity. Everything still applies. 

All the best,