Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k

Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade from my current speakers (Zu Audio Omen) in my small room (13x10x7: WxLxH) and willing to spend $3-5k. I'm looking for a slightly more transparent speaker than the Zu's and also a smaller speaker. I'm open to new and used speakers. So, I've turned my attention to bookshelf speakers and small footprint floorstanders. I have a Rel subwoofer to buttress low end. Most of my listening these days focuses on blues, soul and R&B, classic rock, and alternative hip-hop. 

My system is: Rogue Audio Sphinx v3, Bluesound Node 2i, Rega P3 TT, Rel T7/X sub.

My nearest Hifi shop focuses on Harbeth, Spendor, and KEF. So far, I've liked the Harbeth P3ESR and Compact 7s and the Spendor A4. But, I'm curious to get other suggestions. I've been interested in the Devore Fidelity O'Baby but are just above my price range and can't be demoed right now.

Does anyone have experience with those aforementioned speakers in a small room? What else should I consider for a smallish room in this price range?


Thanks for the additional information on those RA speakers, @nonoise. Those do seem really great!

Follow up question to this group - I haven't yet purchased the P3s (which was my original conclusion) because I'm getting new carpet installed in the listening room. Meanwhile, I keep finding reasonably priced used Harbeth 30.2s (example here). Used P3 XDs plus stands will be ~$3k. These 30.2s are not much more. 

My gut tells me that this speaker is too large for my room (see original post). But, the deals on these 30.2 are tempting. I've listened to 30.2 in a larger room and it was great.

Looking for some input and guidance on the 30.2s and particularly if I really should not put them in a room of my size.


The P3 is a very safe bet. It is smooth and very laid back with full sounding midrange; and easy to pair with other equipment and just consistently good with most genres of music— and with recordings that may not be the best quality. Having said that, you mentioned that you are looking for a “more transparent speaker”, and therefore I would suggest also looking at the Falcon “Gold Badge” LS3/5A. Compared to the P3, it is more clean, transparent/revealing with treble that is very smooth. It is more forward in its presentation.

Best Regards,


Also, consider the Rogers LS3/5a.  Wonderful speaker for nearfield or small room.