Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



My pleasure. I am glad that you are enjoying the CS 2.4 loudspeaker.

It is a very fine Model.


Happy Listening!



Thanks so much for all the detail on the 02s and 2.7 upgrade ideas!

I don't know that I'd touch my 02s, and if I were ever to try and upgrade them I'd probably find another pair to do so. 

As for the 2.7s, I really have got them sounding glorious.  That said I have my Joseph Audio Perspectives back from being upgraded to the "Graphene 2" version (new drivers/crossover) and they do dig out more timbral nuance than the Thiels at this point.  But the Thiels sound overall more authoritative, thick, dense and rich.  So I sometimes wonder about what the 2.7s would sound like...even more refined.


Prof - we have demonstrated various improvement avenues for any / all Thiel models. Beetlemania posted his 2.4 results on this forum. There have been others. The upgrades all leave the basic stock platform unaltered, but upgrade various aspects that can benefit from improvement. I haven't done anything with the 2.7, since they are late-model and excellent. But, we know that we can improve them with our bag of tricks, if and when the time comes.

Regarding your stock 02s. I can recommend here a tweak that does no harm. Get inside and rig the fiberglass insulation away from the crossover network for better thermal management. Get some butyl rubber sticky-tape and route the driver wires away from each other (woofer / tweeter) and tape it to anything solid that you can, or just use the tape itself to keep it still. And, solidify the coils however you can. I add ordinary shellac or varnish and zip-tie them as tightly as possible.

Those coils were hand-wound, and their looseness robs transients.

These mild tweaks will tighten up the sound without changing the sonic character. Or, find another pair if you want to do more. First pass would be to move the crossover away from right behind and in line with the woofer EMF field. And then there's cabinet wall bracing and passive parts quality, etc. etc, etc.





Excellent advice, as always, as above. I agree about loose Coils robbing transients. I also support the idea of using Bamboo for internal bracing.

Thinking outside of the box always Wins.


Happy Listening!