Speakers for Atma Sphere M60 mk3

Hi! I'm thinking about tubes.... an Atma Sphere M60 mk3 maybe... (Its within my budget)

What kind of speakers are they able to drive to decent levels (classical, jazz)?

Today I have a pair of SF Elipsas SE. I think they could be too much for the M60.

I'm just curious, what are you using with the M60? What do you recommend?

Room is 26 x 14 ft ceiling is about 9





Typically most folks build their system around the sound of their speakers. Sonus Faber speakers have a unique, natural, and musical sound. They sound particularly good driven with tubes. Do you like the sound of the speakers?


I have Sonus Faber Amati Traditional… I am driving them with Audio Research Reference 160s operated in triode mode, so 60 watts per channel. They will play MUCH louder (without loosing dynamics)  than I can stand it.

Hopefully that is helpful.

Hi ghdprentice! Thanks.... I love the Elipsas SE. Today I have a Mark Levinson 532 with great dynamics (2 x 400 W) and that's why I am curious about the M60s ability to drive such a speaker....and they are only 4 ohms.

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I think you should look for speakers that are High in Efficiency with an 8 ohm or higher impedance.
