HIFI Speaker active crossovers ...

Since the speaker and crossover are where most of the distortions and loss come from in the audio path, why has hifi not gone to active crossovers to eliminate these effects. Most active studio monitors and touring PA have... 


@mike_in_nc Wrote:

An active xover divides the signal at line level.

You are correct. For a bit of history, see below JBL catalogs from 1964 and 1967, they offered powered and non powered speakers with passive crossovers. See 1964 catalog page #43 JBL solid state stereo energizer. The JBL Hartsfield was the first powered speaker in 1962. In 1972 JBL made the 4350A active only. 😎





We still await the perfect @kenjit designed and produced transducer.  As much as I dearly loved the blokes from Top Gear, their brilliant entertaining critiques, no serious auto designs were ever put forth.  They were not foolish enough to endeavor in practical design proposals encompassing a whole product concept. No proof of concept attempted.

They were smarter than that.

Then we will quickly find ourselves in the "High End" Active crossover offering game very quickly LOL