It was 61 years ago today...

You are part of a select group of music fans to perhaps see on television, read the newspaper or maybe even be there to experience arguably a HUGE moment in music history.

I was only 2, so all I cared about was eating and sleeping. Maybe I was in the room while my family watched the Ed Sullivan show, later that week?

On this day in history, Feb. 7, 1964, Beatles arrive in US for first time, inspire nationwide mania (


I was 13. I wore my hair kind of long at the time and all it took was a change in comb direction to have bangs. Which I immediately did right after the show. 

Saw the Beatles live at Busch stadium in St Louis, August of 1966. All in all, a totally underwhelming experience. Too weak sound system for such a large outdoor space. It rained and what little sound we heard was largely drowned out by the screaming girls. That part I never understood. I suppose it was because in all the news clips of the Beatles in Europe, all the girls were screaming so that’s how they they were supposed to act.

Perhaps because of that experience, I never was a fan. I didn’t dislike them. I just never understood the adulation. I was more caught up in the folk scare of that era.

Three months later I was off to boot camp for my four year stint and my journey from country mouse began.



Watched that on a neighbor's TV (we had none), then in September of that year my dad took me to their show, in Baltimore, on my 12th birthday.  My first concert.  With many more since then.  But that band, just the one time.  

So, how many Ed Sullivan Show "really big hits" end up being "really big duds"?