A public service announcement

Just a reminder that a late night with alcohol, a credit card and an audio addiction can get expensive real fast.  I’m gonna be the proud owner of three new phono carts next week! 😂🎶🎶🎶


Yah, booze could lead to expensive mistakes sometimes. Once after third glass of scotch I double payed all my monthly utilities, credit cards statements and mortgage payment using online banking. Now I have the rule: Never sign in to online banking under influence even after one bottle of beer. lol. 

"You have a turntable?"

I would think Jdougs has 3 of them.  Good ones to warrant those cartridges.


@tkhill ....Now, even if I’ve ’mixed my media’ (420+alcohol.....or any other combination that I don’t recall)....

That’s NOT a dog.

Now, at closing time....gotten close, but ....

Spared the ’A.M. WT....?!’  *Knock on wood, skull standing in...*

Not totally sure How, or Why, but... ;)

(...have bought ’stranger things’, but usually in the company of choice in those matters....*L*)

I am going to pass that pic to a couple of folks that’ll ’spit-take’ over it....

Guess us boys now know where that next party is being held / hosted. @asvjerry, send out those invitations! I’ll RSVP :-)