Ozzy is done



Saw him do a Black Sabbath show - w a couple Ozzy solo hits thrown in for good measure - at the Hollywood Bowl about ten (?) years ago. 

Excellent show, w the always-spooky opener War Pigs to kick things off.  

Yep, Ozzy's a trooper...

btw,  like Alice Cooper whom if you've never seen you owe yourself... even my 77 year old mom liked the Cooper show; her comment, "That was incredible."

Hes just another man. Were all equal in the end with no control of our immorality. Know God and follow his way. We ALL will face judgement day. You ll either have enternal life with him or seperated from his grace. 


What nonsense.

"Were all equal in the end with no control of our immorality."

Are you saying that we have no control over our actions?