What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


Not trying to start a Cold War of spending . Or any sort of comparison contest. 

Some come here to upgrade or improve their sound so wouldn't it be helpful to understand the costs associated? A silver cable will not improve the sound of a $500 receiver, in fact it may hurt the sound. It is obvious to those immersed in it for years, not so much new folks testing the waters. 

Welcome to Audiogon. The average price to replace the main listening systems of our members is $30000? Just thought you would like to know.  

Seeing as I built my turntable, my speakers and my power amp, I have no idea what an equivalent commercially built set up would cost. My tuner, CD player, DAC and phono stage were all purchased in the 90’s. 

So for the performance I have, and the enjoyment I get from it, my out of pocket, was comparatively low.


Pretty bare bones.  Just a TT,  phono-pre, CD player, preamp, power amp(s), and speakers.  Most except the speakers and cables were picked up used.

As requested, retail replacement.

All in, right around $15k

The dedicated 20A circuits and room treatment are not included.

I am around $80,000 plus about $4,500 for cables. I spent $3,000 for the components to build my rack system and media cabinets myself.

I quit estimating value when I reached $100k, my conscious can bother with this obscene level of conspicuous consumption. And the level of OCD to put it all together, bizarro world!


And then we can approach this from another angle, one can spend $100k plus on a single component. At what level of spending do we enter realm of obscene conspicuous consumption? I'm sure this doesn't even occur to many, just that I know and have known many hard working people struggling to maintain roof over their heads and food on the table.