Analyzing DACs

As I am new to the hifi hobby, reading various product reviews and noting the details of the test environment have made me very confused.  I understand Stereophile is the hifi bible. In the publication’s DAC published tests the reviewers almost always tested the DAC connected directly to the amplifier. I think I understand why—nothing in the chain influencing the DAC sound. Is that the correct assumption? If that’s the case why incorporate a preamp if the DAC has a preamp section that is a common feature even on high end DACs? I’m in the market for a new DAC. I’m trying to avoid unnecessary components if possible. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.  



As you are new to the hobby it is a great idea to start a thread like this. I would recommend 15% to 20% of your budget on a DAC and 20% to 30% of your budget on a separate and dedicated preamp. A good preamp will last for decades but Moore's law rules dacs. A $5000 DAC 5 years ago can get blown out of the water by a $500 dac today. 

A preamp allows selecting analog sources. A good one is neutral - it imparts no "sound."

"I’d rather trust ASR’s rankings than the subjective blather here." Would you? So you are quite happy for the ASR minion leader to recommend a brand of DAC where the quality control is really quite poor? Perhaps it also has something to do with cheap components? Look at how many ASR members complain about a particular brand of DAC that measures superbly but stops working or does not work correctly. There are even threads there on this topic.

However you have been told this before but tend to ignore it.