Dual mono integrated amps

I’m curious about dual mono integrated amps and if they can approximate the benefits of monoblocks. I had the good fortune of trying a friend’s electronics which included a dual mono preamp driving a pair of monoblocks and the result was not subtle. There was an expanded soundstage with more solid imaging. Is this an effect that most of you experience when each channel has dedicated circuitry? Are there particular examples of integrated amps utilizing a dual mono design that do a particularly good job in this respect? Ones that don’t?

Thanks for the help


@petaluman Wrote:

I applaud the dual mono concept in integrateds, but it's not the same as mono blocks.  Separate chassis, separate power cords, even separate circuit breakers if you can arrange it.

I agree. I have mono blocks each one on dedicated 20 Amp circuit.


To return to the original question, have you checked out the Parasound Hint 6?  Extremely versatile, with built-in phono & DAC sections, crossovers for subwoofing, Home Theater bypass...  A bit of a kitchen sink, but a great one box solution for many pieces in building a system.  You can always upgrade section-by-section.

The dual mono power amp was designed by John Curl.  A single power transformer is used.  I suspect that is the case(!) with most integrated amps - there's just not enough space for 2 of them.

In the UK as well ATC do dual moni amps ... p1 &p2 think their integrated amps do the same

Regarding dual mono amplification, I remember noticing a significant improvement with my Naim Audio system, when switching from a Naim NAP 250 to a pair of NAP 135 monoblocks.The same sound signature, but better control over my speakers (Harbeth HLP3ES). Greater width, depth of the soundstage, better instrument separation etc. System at the time was a Naim CDI, 72/Hicap/NAP 135/Harbeth HLP3ES. If a dual mono design is properly implemented in an integrated amplifier then it seems logical that it would sound better than with a single power transformer. Just some grist for the mill. 😄