Audio Note Amplifier Kits

I know there are many threads on this but they are old and wanted to get recent thoughts on AN kits available.  I was informed the Kits are not made by AN so does anyone have thoughts on the third party available kits?  Worth the money and time and any specifics on which kit model.




Thank you for the invite!  I started reading your thread and love the idea of upgrading a kit but was lost quickly. 

I just got a Frame from Independent Fabrication in steel that I built up.  I have a Giant TCR with the integrated seat post that weighs in at 16.5lbs in size XL with pedals attached. IN is perfect for biking in the wind.  The always blowing as a headwind no matter how you turn flat hot.....anyway.


Nice bikes. IF makes an excellent steel frame. I don't own any steel frame bikes at the moment - mostly high-end carbon road race bikes and a couple gravel bikes. I've got to pare down my stable at some point. 

Here's a decent book to start with. It introduces basic electronics concepts before going into vacuum tube amp info. 

Vacuum Tube Amplifier Basics by EJ Jurich

A more advanced book that covers vacuum tube amps in much greater detail is

Valve Amplifiers by Morgan Jones

This one requires a bit more basic electronics understanding though, and has a lot more detail than you will probably ever need. It's also several times the price of the first one I listed. 

Moots Routt 45 for a bike here 😁

More relevant to this thread, I built an AN Kits EL34 integrated amp a few years back. Great amp and I am still using it. I got the version with the upgraded C core transformers. I love the sound of this amp. The kit was well thought out with good documentation for the build process. I changed out the binding posts for some pure copper Cardas ones, but the supplied Audio Note ones are pretty good quality as well. I happened to have the Cardas ones left from a different project.

I previously owned an Audio Note P3 300B amp and loved it but never got to compare it to one of the ANK versions.

I wouldn't hesitate to go with Audio Note Kits again.

@davej  thank you for the positive feed back on the ANK products. I have built two amps from schematics and I sourced all of the parts. The first was a JE Labs 2A3 and the second Gordon Rankins Bugle 45. I had fun building both of the amps. I want to save a step and get everything required in one box at the same time.

specialized robaix sport is my ride