eero mesh WiFi system

Hello all, I know this has been addressed before but I couldn’t find it for some reason. I was wondering everyone’s thoughts on the eero mesh network ? My modem is on the other side of my listening room where the couch is. I would have to run cable and figure out the best way to hide it so my wife won’t get on me if I don’t go this route. Seems the be the best/easiest way overall. I will be running Bricasti M3 with Roon Nucleus. Thank you. 


What’s the overall general consensus ? Wifi extender or mesh network ? Thanks everyone. 

I was told by a few professionals and friends to avoid extender for audio, and I took out my TP and everything sounds better...


I ran an Alien on the second floor of my house with a NG Powerline in my audio room for about 6 years. Two weeks ago I added a second Alien (as a mesh) in the audio room (needed more ports) and removed everything else.

The up/down speeds increased and I have way fewer dropouts. There was no change in sound quality, just better performance. Not sure how Eero compares to Amplifi Alien products but changing to mesh was a positive for me.