Rounded back enclosure gives clearer sound - B&W 805

   I am enjoying the clear sound of B&W 805 speakers with rounded back enclosure - less standing waves? 

   What are your thoughts on this type of enclosure?




I ran B&W801s for many years.

It's best not to have parallel boundaries.  Rounded back is one way to do it.

The crossover has a MUCH greater affect on the sound of a speaker than the shape! Company’s tout time-alignment by placing the tweeter physically behind the bass/mid when in reality this alignment occurs as a delay in the crossover. Dispersion occurs in the crossover and defraction isn’t near the issue you would think it is. The cabinet shape just refines what happens with the crossover design. The curves look pretty which is why we are so drawn to them. From a cabinet building perspective, curves are HARD and straight lines are easy.