Another cable question

Please don’t respond to this if you are a non believer. Just wanted to know if anyone has had a good experience with silver or silver/ copper blend out from they’ve Dac. Currently using older Acustic Zen absolute copper. There has been a number of members saying good things about silver for digital front ends and I think I,d like to give it a try. Streamer is Aurender N200 using DH labs mirage two feeding Pontus two. Budget is $700 max and it’s seems there are a number of cables in that range, thx in advance and happy New Year!


Hard to be positive of the outcome without trying, but some rules of thumb probably apply. How is your tonal balance? Do you think you are on the cusp of having the sound become a bit analytical? Would a cooler presentation be bad?… not being as warm and musical? Most likely in two steps your system will more detailed but slightly less fleshed out… but cu/ag and more so ag would likely improve detail and imaging a bit. 

Best to try. Have you experimented with power cords? They can make a difference as well… typically to the same sonic characteristics as interconnects.

@ghdprentice asks many of the most important questions.  What specific  improvements are you looking for?

@ghdprentice@soix Thanks for questions.  When I took this digital detour (system was originally intended for vinyl) I became really fascinated with all the information I hadn’t heard on vinyl. My vinyl playback and digital side sound nothing alike, they both sound great but anyone just walking in off the street would be able to hear the difference. I,d really love to see if it can be tweaked to sound more like vinyl and keep all the micro details Im getting. There’s alot going on with those statements I know because someone else’s 50k vinyl set up will deliver all those details and also still sound vinyl.So the answer to what Id hope to gain is I think the holy grail of digital , Id like it to sound more like the vinyl side which is smoother and relaxed.So technically I,d say Im not looking for an improvement but a “adjustment” maybe. I don’t know that a cable change can do that of course but thats what Im looking to find out, hard for me to see where else I could make an adjustment though. Thanks again. Funny I had to read that back after I wrote it to understand it myself.It reads then ,how can I make my digital playback sound like a 50k vinyl rig? Tall order right? LOL .

I have a digital all silver cable (not copper clad with silver) on my cable burner presently and I’ll get back to you later this week.