Turntable Troubles - ProJect X2B vs Rega 6 w Kiseki Cartridge

I am investing in my first critical listening room. As a newbie i know my choice of TT may be remedial but it is a good entry point for me. My vendor is telling me to consider a Pro-Ject x 2B due to its new technology vs a Rega 6 w an upgraded Kiseki Blue cartridge. Do any of you all have proper advice for me? Don't want to make my first grand purchase go to waste. It is being paired with a McIntosh 2500c Pre-amp, Mcintosh MC462 amp and Sonus Faber Sonetto 3s. Any advice will be appreciated as my turntable choice is the last element. Thanks!


Removable headshells is the only way to go for me.

Then you can explore the differences between wood and carbon fiber.

all great advice, thanks so much! Now I am thinking of upping my budget for a TT. Are there any brands or specific products you feel I should consider? 

that is a very expensive cartridge to start with. 

I would recommend this Ortofon 2M Black, Shibata Stylus


, added to a TT with removable headshell

I asked TT Labs if they would mount a cartridge on one of their TT sold with removable headshells with no cartridge.

They do, but not until spring, busy with holiday work now.

They told me about their pre-mounted cartridges for sale

search their site for ’mounted cartridge’



nothing exotic, but this is a very in-expensive way to start with a Shibata tip rather than a ver expensive elliptical tip