Cd transport

Looking for a cd transport to pair with my parasound p5 pre amp.


Have 2 Audio lab 6000 transports. In my main room it is paired with a Benchmark LA-4 pre amp and a Benchmark Dac 3B.  Rock and Roll via a good Mogami 75 Ohm Coax cable, via Supertramp, Def Leppard, Eagles, BEAUTIFUL    For what its worth, Tekton Double impacts se version round it out. If you need more than coax, you'll have to move up. Enjoy Robert TN

The best transport was the project- audio transport now around $3300.  I have owned, repaired, compared close to 50 transports.  Anyone who claims that there are no differences in sound quality unfortunately just has not had the experience.  The Jays is also a good option.  Lowered priced options is the Rega Saturn.  If you purchase a used one then go out and replace the laser for a very nice improvement.