Best value Set amp for under $1500 used is ok.

Looking to power some large horn speakers and replace my SS Audio Research upgraded LS10 power amp because it needs service and I am not ready to service this unit for a variety of reasons not worth discussing here.

Specs for the Viking Acoustics L’Instrument speakers



Sensitivity: 98 db

Time Alignment: Drivers time-aligned mechanically and electrically.

Bandwidth: 18Hz - 19,000 (18Hz - 50kHz with optional super tweeter)

I have tried 845/805/KT88/120 in non set builds. I’d like to try a 300B or similar set  design for these without burning the budget. I’m based in Australia and prefer to use 240V capable amps.



Now that seems a very good amplifier at a fabulous price. I’d strongly encourage you to go for it,


There seems to be a number of upgrades available for this amp by Skunkie Design Electronics. 🦨  I may just upgrade the 6sn7 tubes with the lower grade Linlai tubes in the near future after arrival.

I don't have any experience with SET amps and high efficiency horn speakers, but if I'm reading your OP, you have $30K speakers and want to limit your amplifier expense to be <$1,500 ?


Lol you should hear these speakers with my cheap Marantz AVR. Simply amazing, seriously. I’ve sold the Luxman M900u. My Audio Research D240 MKII here is in need of service. My other D240 MKII is in the USA, smashed by FedEx who are not paying insurance claims at all these days. My Berlin R Type II speakers were smashed by FedEx, did I say they are not paying insurance claims, yes I did, and these have been completely rebuilt. Now waiting for sale. This seems like an ideal moment to not join the two year waiting list for a Decware or invest in a Kondo or Audio Note etc, hey why not try an entry level 300B as a starter set? 

Doing that. 

@johnread - hey man, all good. I was not attempting to denigrate in any way or throw shade. If I could afford them, I would love a pair of the Vikings - and especially the L’Instrument. ♪ If I were a rich man ♪ - and cost was no object, I would have David build me a pair with an AER bd full range driver. Very cool. Part of the beauty of horn speakers is that they only require small wattage to sound very good. And I *luvs* to find high-value sources, cables, and components because they don’t usually require high parts or manufacturing costs. Part of the fun of this hobby. Sorry to hear about your FedEx nightmares - ugh..