Best value Set amp for under $1500 used is ok.

Looking to power some large horn speakers and replace my SS Audio Research upgraded LS10 power amp because it needs service and I am not ready to service this unit for a variety of reasons not worth discussing here.

Specs for the Viking Acoustics L’Instrument speakers



Sensitivity: 98 db

Time Alignment: Drivers time-aligned mechanically and electrically.

Bandwidth: 18Hz - 19,000 (18Hz - 50kHz with optional super tweeter)

I have tried 845/805/KT88/120 in non set builds. I’d like to try a 300B or similar set  design for these without burning the budget. I’m based in Australia and prefer to use 240V capable amps.


Showing 7 responses by charles1dad

On the surface I understand noticing the glaring price difference between the speaker and matching amplifier. However If this entry level 300b SET has good bones/foundation, its SET attributes will be exploited with high caliber speakers. It’s worth the attempt in my opinion. 

It proven to be a good pairing, that’s an excellent result for little expenditure on the amplifier. Besides one can always upgrade the amplifier if so desired at a later date.



Now that seems a very good amplifier at a fabulous price. I’d strongly encourage you to go for it,



If someone expresses an interest in SET amplifiers I’ll encourage the pursuit. I have very happily owned 300b SET amplifiers for over 13 years. My appreciation and admiration for them has only grown.

If the SET amplifier is good quality and speaker choice is compatible, fabulous sound quality can be expected. It sure seems that you have very suitable speakers. If the amplifier holds up its end of the bargain, you will be very pleased.


@johnread57 Well, congratulations on acquiring this amplifier. I’ll admit that I’m unfamiliar with this brand. It’s certainly affordable and that is nice. I hope that at its price point it utilizes decent/reasonable quality transformers (Particularly output) and power supply. Two important factors for amplifiers and especially SET amps.

I am very interested in your listening impressions and how well it pairs with your speakers (Which on paper is a very good one). This should be an exciting and informative endeavor for you.



In your original post you expressed an interest in a 300b SET amplifier. In my opinion your current Viking speakers afford a terrific opportunity to explore the possibility. 98 db sensitivity horn, I’d encourage you to go for it.

You have had previous push pull tube amplifiers that you apparently enjoyed quite a bit. A good quality 300b SET will provide a different listening perspective/encounter. Whether it’s better or not is for you to determine. Is your speaker the 6 or the 12 ohm impedance version?



Your response is what I've seen from people who've actually heard or owned the Willsenton amplifiers. Vast majorities are impressed with their built quality and sound. Yes, it is Chinese, I would not be bias and hold that against it. There is a quality hierarchy with Chinese products as with any other nation.


There have been very encouraging  comments regarding the Willsenton R 300 which is a 300b SET integrated amplifier. I have not heard it but owner feedback is consistently quite positive. It falls within your stated budget.
