A little help please

I am new to the forum. This is my first posting. I dabble a bit in audio equipment, ( buying & selling ) mostly ebay and craigslist. However I recently attended a estate sale and purchased a piece of equipment, that I think requires more knowledge than I have. ( Nakamichi 1000zxl Limited gold face)
I bet that will make some ears stand up. The unit is cosmetically fantastic, sonically the left channel does not play. After research, I found, repairing the unit will cost between, $1500 & $2000. I am going to sell it, however repairing it is questionable for me, profit wise. Plus some buyers may want their own tech to do the repairs. After extinsive research, I have found, there was between 100 & 200 made worldwide. They were made to order and sold in 1981 for $6000.00. Ok here is the question. Value?
As I stated it is for sale. Being such a high end and rare unit, I feel it should command a fare price.

Thanks to everyone who responds
I'm still waiting to hear what the guy's associated equipment was.  It would be odd if all he had was a cassette player.  I guess other buyers bought the other gear and left the cassette player. 

I always dreamt of having a Naka 1000ZXL. I finally found one in 1992. I had it checked and serviced by an authorized service center.

I tried it once and, ever since, it has been sitting on the shelf, unused. No use for a cassette deck any longer, but I love looking at it.