Magnepan LRS in the house!

I've been a Magnepan fan since day one. Recently I decided to trade up from my MMGs to the new LRS. I had someone hot and heavy to buy the MMGs so I let them go a few months ago and called Magnepan to order the new LRS. I was informed that in a couple months there would be a new version of the LRS called LRS+. So I decided to wait on the order and see early reviews. The reviews are way over the top! Some are claiming the best speaker ever made! So time to order, called Magnepan and was told that the current wait was 8-10 months!!! 

 Si I ordered them and then tried to find a used pair of the older LRS to have something, Magnepan, to listen to over the winter. Luck would have it, there was a like new pair available in Colorado (I'm in Massachusetts). But I was too late...SOLD! Now it gets interesting. I posted a "Wanted To Buy" ad at US Audio Mart.....A fellow, one town over calls me and tells me he bought a pair from a guy in Colorado and when they showed up, his wife said "No Way Jose!"...Get them out of here!.....A plan made in heaven!

 He delivered them on Saturday. Sunday morning I woke up early and welded up a set of risers as I read everywhere that using risers and placing the LRS dead vertical really makes them come alive.

 Once the pain dried I set them up in the listening room.....Node2i into a Gustard X16 DAC...into a Schiit Freya...Into a Pass Labs First Watt F5v2.....

 Oh my! These are NOT older Magnepan MMGs! HUGE improvement! These speakers have bass..Well defined, tight, dynamic base! But the biggest difference is midrange vocals...Not sure the risers are the reason, but vocals are right there! No moving around. I'm still playing with placement for imaging and sound stage, but even just plopped down in the room, they are magnificient!

 Going to be a great winter!



Yes, nice job @rbertalotto.  I am not a metalworker but do enjoy woodworking in my small basement shop.  So, I'm going to use some sturdy oak for my stands.  I don't think the angles in your design will work with wood though.  We'll see 

Try Googling "Rod H's Oak MMG Stands".  They are what I ended up making for my MMGs.  Easy, and they certainly do the trick.  Plus, I was able to stain them to match the trim on my MMGs.

To the OP:  You alluded to voices "moving" in the soundstage from your old MMGs.  I have not experienced that at all.  Maybe differences in our upstream gear account for what you experienced?  FWIW, I'm running a 1993 B&K EX442 Sonata @ 350 wpc/4 ohms.  P-P current is 75 amps.

This thread got me thinking about an upgrade to the LRS+ but Magnepan no longer has a trade-up program for for the MMG. 😥

However, for anyone wondering about the waiting period for the LRS+, it doesn't sound like anything close to 8 months, at least based on what I was just told by Eric Norgaarden at Magnepan:

"I don't know who says that we are eight months from being able to deliver on new LRS+ orders, but that is way off.  We have approx 200 orders in and are making approx 50 per week, so I would estimate that a new LRS+ order will get filled within 90 days."

Caveat emptor.

Great thread, thanks for starting it!  Congrats on finding the LRS+.  Living with Magnepans is a great experience.Years ago I home-trialed the MMGs and really liked them, so I bought 1.7s.

I have been happily listening for more than ten years. A couple of times I swapped out for a couple of different high-quality box speakers, but it just wasn’t anywhere near the immersive experience that the Maggies provide.

I'm fortunate to have a fairly large room that is acoustically suited to take advantage of them.  I’ve had very good results with different amplifiers, and occasionally alternate among them to exploit their different advantages: McIntosh MC60s, Hegel H20, First Watt SIT-3, Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 Mk2, and Devialet Expert 400. These have all worked well.  It’s all been a lot of fun, and has made music listening relaxing, pleasurable, and meaningful. 

I wish you the same with your experience. Enjoy!



Lead Time for LRS+...


I received this email on availability on 10-10-22...


Hello Roy,


Hey! I have a pair of LRS and I love them....Haha


I'll be happy to write up an order for the LRS+ for you. However, they

won't show up until Spring 2023 more than likely. We have several hundred

already spoken for so it is going to be a bit of a wait.


We won't make you pay in advance, so hopefully you have something to

listen to while you are waiting."