Has something gone wrong @ Stereophile?

My subscription ran out.  Their renewal option on the website was broken, and now there isn’t one. I tried to start a “new” subscription, but it won't accept it unless automatic renewal is selected.  Sorry, I don’t authorize auto-renew if I can possibly avoid it, as a matter if policy - it can be a nightmare canceling those things. 

they’re asleep at the wheel, compared to the renewal bombardment reminders  from The Smithstonian.  I consider Stereophile quite entertaining.  Miss AD, won’t miss MF.  Wondering  if something has happened to them…?


When you elect recurring billing I believe you have the option to cancel rebills afterward. The question I always have about audio publications is how much freedom they have to bear bad news when they are dependent on advertising from audio companies. I never know quite how to figure that.


Two personal observations, if you read the 'positive' reviews closely, you can sense they do not really like it, but yes, they don't want to piss off an advertiser. I always look for reviewers that buy the equipment or the equipment they already own that they are obviously happy with already. And, although it's true they can't review everything thing, I always watch for brands they don't review, or a brand that has a nice selection of items, but still don't get review. Also, if the equipment has alreayd been review by another mag/blog, they may not brother to review it. I do not believe they are rating junk or even average equipment as five stars or whatever, as their own reputations would get destroyed eventually. Several mags and blogs have gone under in the last 15 years. 

Not perfect, but if they didn't take ads the subscriptions were would ten or twenty times as much. I base this on professional publications that get no little to no ads. 

Why don't you renew at discount mags? So much cheaper than the prices directly from Stereophile. I've been doing it for years. Wait for their sales and you can get a 2-year renewal for almost nothing!