Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?

If you have the 'offer' feature activated then what's the problem with any offer. Comments like 'lowball' offers will be ignored just gives me a bad vibe. If your item has been up for sale then there is no insulting offer. I've made deals with people starting far apart and coming together. If you haven't noticed the audio market seems to have come to a standstill. Any opinions?


@boxcarman Don't you see your problem? It's right there in front of you. You expected $800.00 for an item and stereobuyers offered you $400.00. What did you expect? It's an $800 dollar item and they are a reseller. They're certainly not going to offer you market price for an item, You have to understand the situation. See the last sentence of my post above.

I feel the same way @bubba12.  What does it take to say no to a “lowball”? One second? Often if you thank people for their interest and politely decline the item now becomes something they can’t have and naturally they want it more.  Then they can’t let it go and negotiations start.  I’ve often made reasonable sales that started with a “lowball”.  Anybody who lists an item for sale and notes “lowballs will be ignored” is potentially missing lots of opportunities to sell.  Not very smart.

I had a boss who once told me that prior to setting a product price he would contract so market research, look at the competition and then finally ask the customers what they were willing to pay. 

There is plenty of info available to allow the seller to set a price in the ballpark of current and recent offerings… but that doesn’t mean buyers have the same view. And, at the end of the day, the seller doesn’t have to sell. 

Why does this seem to happen more and more frequently?  I suspect it is because our culture has become “deal” oriented vs fair value oriented. 

Personally, I care as much or more about the credibility of the seller and the condition of the product as I do about the price. 

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