Temperature of water for ultrasonic RCM

I have a CleanerVinyl RCM - very happy with it. Have been fooling around with water temp and wondering if anyone else is doing or has done the same? I had been using it with the water at room temp, and was thinking that I was the dishes in warm water, so why not clean my records in warm water? So I pumped it to 40C and it seems to be getting a LOT more junk off my (supposedly) clean records that have all been previously run thru the RCM.

Thanks for any feedback.


The ultrasonic process in itself generates a fair amount of heat so just be mindful of that.

@fuzztone - why 30c? curious. Thanks

@kgturner  - was unaware of that. Thank you. Is the heat generated at the record surface by the water hitting it? Any idea of temp? thx

I've used up to 45c but now go around 35c. I believe that after the surface is clean, it's more important to use a surfactant to release imbedded particles than having heat a main factor