Dynavector 507 arm lift assembly on a 501 arm

Yesterday, I was able to successfully enlarge the arm lift hole in my 501 arm to accept the larger diameter arm lift of the 507. It was tight, but clamping my drill press vice in position, allowed a precision enlargement of the arm lift hole using a 5/8" Forstner bit. 

It fits, and works perfect, and made using my turntable a joy again. Thanks to Dover, Lewm, and others for their help in getting this done.

Thanks and enjoy, my analog brothers!


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No, that's not a problem. The filings stayed close to where the drilling was happening, and the other saving grace is I have an air compressor that I was able to blow the filings away, making the arm and bearings nice and clean after the drilling was done.



Hi Dan, when you drilled the post, the vibrations travel to the precision bearings causing them to vibrate and rub together. This can cause roughness or looseness. Or, if sapphire bearing cause them to shatter. I’m not sure how the bearings are configured in the DV but that would destroy an Ittok!

The arm was mounted upside down in the vise. I had wood under the arm lift support to take much of the pressure of the bit on the part being machined. The wood also kept me from having to tighten the vise extremely tight.  With the vertcal part of the arm positioned above the area being drilled, it pretty much kept all the shavings away from those bearings.

I used a 5/8" Forstner bit, which seemed to make a smoother, a  machinine-like  drilling method with less vibration than most drilling would cause.

At any rate, it turned out beautiful, and I'm very happy with the result.

Best regards,
