I recently bought a Musical Fidelity X-P200 Power Amplifier. I have an issue with it. The Power Button in front is stuck in the ON position.  To turn the amp on or off I have to turn off the power conditioner it's plugged into or unplug the unit.
Is this an easy fix? By easy I mean can a person repair this on their own? Or do I need to take this in for service?


 I just remembered an Apollo CDP player that I bought having the same problem. The trouble had occurred in shipping. In this case, all I needed to do was loosen the screws holding the faceplate, and then realign the faceplate to the proper position. I hope that you might have a similar situation. 

 And sometimes when this happens, you can check the alignment by pushing the button up as you push it in. Of course, it may be sticking in any number of other possible positions, so try each direction to push the power button away from the sticking point as you push it in. Worth a try.

Thanks, I just might give that a try. There are 4 screws on the face plate. if that doesn't work I take it into a shop.


I had the same problem with a Cayin integrated. I thought it probably needed a new switch. I took it to a local tech, it turned out the switch was just out of alignment. He wanted to return it to me at no charge. I insisted on paying a minimum bench fee. 

Today I took the amp to a shop to get worked on. I'll know in 2 weeks whether or not it worked.

Well I took the amp into a vintage hi fi shop in my town. They fixed it for a price. I won't reveal it here, but I think they were fair.