When using ethernet for hooking up streaming devices and dacs, what cat level of  ethernet cable should be used. Is there any sonic improvement by going to a  higher dollar cat 7 or 8 cable?


@nonoise  that may be your interpretation, but not true. Correcting people like yourself who blindly posts articles with no understanding doesn’t mean anything to me. But my point is by actually trying to have a discussion around facts, it might help other people not to spend stupid money on things that do not matter. I will never convince you, because how Ethernet works, and the potential actual improvements you can make does not matter to you. But getting someone else to not be another you is a win.

as for @rockrider ’s article. It is very much focused in USB, and also contains factual issues. But more importantly, the article states over and over “your power supply sucks” and ends with, buy our power supply instead. 
Some of the factual issues :

Regular RAM is not bit perfect, and you can pay extra for error correcting ram

Noisy power supply does not automatically mean corrupt transfers 

I don’t think any higher end streamers uses wall warts or smps, could be wrong, but mine certainly do not

and lastly, more computer resources doesn’t mean better audio quality



Did you even read the part of my post about the difference between streaming and file transferring?


you mean this?

But streaming does not have these robust protocols for data integrity. Streaming allows errors in the name of transfer speed. Have you ever experienced a pixelated image while streaming a video? That is the result of prioritizing speed over data integrity. The similar effect can happen with audio streaming.

yeah, and it is not correct over the Internet and tcp/ip/Ethernet for platforms like Qobuz and Tidal when you chose their lossless options with sustained bit rate.

@rockrider but it actually does not matter if what you posted or what mojo audio posted is correct. None of the “issues” highlighted are resolved with an upgraded Ethernet cable, not even on a theoretical level.