Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'

"Terence Boylan" and "Suzy" - Terence Boylan

Musical guests and top session players includes: Russ Kunkel, Leland Sklar, Steve Luthaker, Jeff Pocaro, Don Henley, Tomothy B Schmit, Don Felder, Jeff Gordon, Victor Feldman, Jeff Baxter, Donald Fagen, Larry Carlton, Dean Parks, Chuck Rainey, Jay Graydon, John Klemmer, Max Bennett, John Guerin and Al Kooper.  


That Hot Tuna album (first) is not only great music, but the remastered edition with all of the tape his s removed should really be on everyone's list of demonstration discs. Jack Casady's bass is the best sounding and most realistic bass that I have ever heard on my system. I listen to it frequently. 

@mitchagain - I got to see Russ Kunkel and Leland Sklar a few weeks ago backing Lyle Lovett here at ACL in Austin. I knew them from the old days, it was great to hear them. Still in top form.