A perfect song? What are your choices?

Can there be such a thing as a perfect song? I have a suggestion, what are yours? Here is a thought...






Personally, I prefer songs with thoughtful lyrics. Such as "Supermarket Flowers" by Ed Sheeran or "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan. In rare cases light music that helps me studying as I`m a student :)

Truly I tell you - before the grass was greener, the trees were big ... it was more fun to live ... people read books, dreamed, thought ... good company, a beloved girl, a little alcohol and a starry sky on a summer night to the music of the eighties (plus minus) - what could be better?

Today we turn to popular music and even a little to the rock of those years ... (do not remind me of disco - otherwise I will be upset) ...

But let's start even earlier - 1966 ..


Scorpions не совсем 80 е годы , но очень вписывается ... (у них было несколько хитов в то время)