Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?


Lots of military stories in the mix, here's another

It was 1980 and I was in Cherry Point NC at a USMC airbase, bought mine from a pawn shop in Havelock NC

Sansui integrated amp and preamp, oddly a stand alone Sansui AM/FM tuner, a 12 band Sansui equalizer, a Sansui cassette deck, Kenwood direct drive turntable with an Ortofon cartridge and a pair of 5 way Kenwood 999 speakers with 15'" woofers, 2 horns a midrange and tweeter

Fun times and thanks for the trot down memory lane

Early summer 1971, Pacific Stereo in LA; post college graduation and full-time decent paying job: Sony receiver, Advent speakers and a Gerrard TT... the sweet life!

Lafayette Electronics Fordham Rd ,Bronx,NY 

integrated amp AR4, and AR turntable


sounded great

@fertguy Where in KC did you buy your system?

I can't remember the name but it seemed like a high end store.

Bought my first system in high school in the early 70’s. Went to Tech Hifi in Springfield, NJ and got a low end Sansui receiver, Philips GA-212 turntable with AudioTechnica cartridge. Speakers were EPI 120. Later steam cleaned cookie sheets in a bakery over winter break to make enough money to go back to Tech Hifi and get a Technics cassette deck. First vinyl album bought and played on that system was Derek and the Dominos, Live in Concert.

Around the same time, my Dad got a system for our family room. Also at the same Tech Hifi store, he got a Sansui Seven receiver, Elac Miracord automatic turntable with Audio Technica cartridge and Ohm B speakers.