New Spatial Audio M4 Ultra

Wondering if anyone has heard these yet? Since the M3 was discontinued due to parts availability looks like spatial audio has combined the X4 chassis and mi//bass drivers with a new tweeter. 



Just heard Spatial speakers at NYC show with Linear Tube Audio electronics and I thought were one of the best sounds I heard by far.  Extremely dynamic and, uh, spatial sounding.  Big time on my radar as I already have an MZ2 preamp. 

I have the Spatial Audio X5s and they are very dynamic, open sounding and have superb bass.  I've always been a box speaker owner but after purchasing the x5s a few years ago don't see myself ever going back to box speakers.  The sound is so much more open and live sounding.  This is of course just my opinion.

Yes the M4s are so new I'm sure no one has them yet.

Thanks for the responses. I ordered a pair, 4-6 weeks lead time so I’ll update this thread if anyone is interested in impressions (after break in)