Ali Baba


I run Tara Labs cables (The One) and looking for a new interconnect as I need a longer cable.  These cables are thousands of dollars but $100 on Ali Baba.  I know they CAN'T be real but just gotta ask.

This stuff is all counterfeit, correct?


Reaserch where is original cable manufactured or parts sourced.
China, the fake manufacturer may be OEM . Use prudence to decide.

The Absolute Reference Audio Labs (Tara Labs) is Australia borne company moved to US about thirty years ago and all their cables made in Oregon USA. 

Post removed 

i'd surmise that almost all of the deeply-discounted western-branded gear on ali is counterfeit, in the sense of not being authorized by or sold for the account of the brand.  however, broadly speaking you find three types of counterfeit products--(a) junk which has no relation to the real thing but simply has a (fake) brand label, (b) cloned products which are meticulous copies of the real thing, and (c) actual, identical products sold out the back door by the brand's contract manufacturer. i've heard some of the cloned stuff--e.g. a "naim" amp and sennheiser earphone replicants--which are sold for a fraction of the real thing, and much of it sounded purty damn good. of course, none of this addresses the ethical and legal aspects of buying the copies, but the quality can be surprisingly excellent. 

Buyer Beware purchased a $ 13 knockoff(looked legit from the outside) of a few hundred dollar  Cardas interconnect just to see what's up.  Junk is what's up. Note it would send my amp into clipping, weird. Took the interconnect  apart poor soldering, burnt through pin from heat, barley any copper wire. it has been recycled so some good can come from it lol.