Bladerunner Film Soundtrack

I refer of course to the original Bladerunner released in 1982.  I have the soundtrack CD, and it is a train wreck.  Lots of dialog, but very little of Vangelis' amazing music.  Does anyone know of a better soundtrack that's available?  I would jump at a cover performance or any version that would highlight Vangelis' score without all the babble superimposed over it.  Thank you.


Most of the releases have the bit of dialog in it with the most but it is not distracting. The "Tears in the Rain" dialog is important IMHO so I like it in this case.

The version you should seek out is the Audio Fidelity CD/SACD or the Audio Fidelity "red" vinyl version. Both mastered by Kevin Gray. 

These are the standard for the Blade Runner and allows Vangelis's music to sound the best it can. I really like my copies and I have both of them.

I found it! A guy named Rothermich recreated the original soundtrack without the dialog. It’s on Qobuz. Sounds pretty good too. 44/24 res.


Oh, and if anyone can tell me why Scott panned away from Rutger Hauer and onto Harrison Ford for the line "like years in rain", I would love to know.