B&W 705 Signature Feedback ?

Looking for some feedback from any 705 Sig owners out there. From your experience with these speakers, are they more suitable for smaller listening areas  In this case, 10 x 12.5 room or approx 125sq ft with 8.5ft celing height. Would for example the 805 D4 be overkill in this outlined scenario?. There is of course quite a saving to be made with the 705 Sig over the 805 D4. Normal operating levels for the speakers and amp , which likely will be a Rotel SA 6000, would be in the low to moderate range. Nothing ever above 4 - 4.5 on a scale of 10. So as you can see it is sound quality over volume levels being the most important factor of all. 

Last of all, has anyone any direct experience with the B&W and Rotel amp pairing & how does Rotel handle the well known brightness tendency of the speakers. In the case of the 705 Sig much has improved in that regard , so choosing an amp to continue that trend is vitally important. 


I have a Rotel RA1570 running a pair of B&W 805S’s in my den system and the synergy is pretty good. I have also ran my Rotel with my B&W 705 S2 and found the sound to be just a tad bright but still very detailed and full sounding. I’m sure the 705 signature are going to be excellent! I personally like Bowers stand mount speakers, especially if they are powered by an amp with a good bit of power as the two ways can be power hungry, at least in my experience. 

I worked for Magnolia and am very familiar with both speakers. If I were you I’d highly recommend going to listen to similarly priced models from Joseph Audio, ProAc, or Usher if you can. Pairing the 805s with that amp is a mismatch in quality and you won’t get the most out of them. Personally, I’d take the new LSA Signature 80 sold direct through Underwood Hifi over the 705 Sigs and save $2000 and they’re more attractive IMHO, but that’s me (read review on Tone Audio for more info). Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.

Don't concern yourself with the room size. I would also suggest listening to other speakers as I think the N805 is a more natural sounding speaker than D4. Best of luck.