Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped?

Well this question is for fun but also kinda serious too.

Have you felt the urger to buy a vintage piece of audio gear when you really didn’t need it? Have you felt that this is an addiction and how can it be stopped?

I have Marantz 2235 receiver in my office, a Sansui 1000x in my bedroom, a Realistic STA-52b in my spare bedroom and Yamaha RX-V995 in my wifes sewing room and a Yamaha RX-V690 in the garage with various vintage speakers connected to all of them. I already have two complete audio systems in my audio room.


When does the madness stop? My wife tells me I have an audio problem!?!


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The only problem I see is that you aren't actually seeking the good vintage gear.....

I still have my 1978 Kenwood KR8010 receiver and it sounds great.

125 watts per channel with tone controls that make low level listening doable.

I have to keep telling myself I do NOT need to re-buy my old equipment. Such as my first system, a Marantz 2035, Advent speakers, Pioneer TT with Shure cartridge. Or my second one, a Hafler pre and amp, or my Nak tape deck (especially considering I no longer have any cassette tapes....), a B&K amp/pre, 3D Acoustics speakers (not well know, but a great setup). Mirage speakers, AR TT. Not to mention other great pieces of equipment that have gone though my hands. 

That last sentence covers the girlfriends and wives as well...