U2 live. Music realism


Somehow there exist some CDs that I bitterly regret having in my collection and I wish for some kind fairy to whisk them away while I am sleeping.. 

U2, along with Adele, Springsteen, and one Robert Plant solo which has no redeeming features.

My favorite band of all-time.  I suspect I don't agree with the politics of 99% of the artists I listen to.  Doesn't mean I cant enjoy their music.  I'm sure it sounds great in person  with the equipment u have !

I don’t understand why anyone posts a video online of any system playing any music. A $500 or $1M system will sound the same. It would be cooler to have narrated tour of the room/system/library.

U2: Bad is a great tune. We’ve seen them live twice - both were fantastic shows (Elevation-Tampa and Vertigo-Boston). Joshua Tree was a great album. But I don’t listen to them as much as I used to for whatever reason.

I thought their tribute to 9/11 in Tampa during the song New York was moving (emotional/bit of a downer moment but cool nonetheless) and Bono opening his jacket to show the American Flag lining was a pretty awesome. In Boston, bringing the girl onstage from the audience and lying down next to her singing was also very cool.

@macg19 agreed, silly to upload these videos I am listening through an IPad. All sounds like crap to me. 

@noske Use them as coasters. I’ve never been a Springsteen fan but I watched Western Stars on a plane earlier this year and subsequently bought the record (the live one). It’s unexpectedly uplifting & infectious. The recording in the barn sounds really good.